Halloween Mayhem Results
The Halloween Mayhem event was a big success, with over two million Zombie creatures slain by brave colonists trying to contain the horde, for a total of nearly 13 million PED in loot!
Comprehensive event statistics can be found below.
Thanks to everyone who participated in Halloween Mayhem 2013, and congratulations to all the prize winners!
Prize Winners
Place - Avatar Name - Points - Prize
- 1st Place - Aurora Linzey Zamperath - 27373 - Modified Hedoc Mayhem
- 2nd Place - Michael geats Platzgummer - 27061 - Improved Hedoc Mayhem
- 3rd Place - Stoikow Stoikow Mudorow - 26617 - DOA Slugstorm
- 4th Place - James Jimmy Stryker - 26499 - Omegaton M83 Predator
- 5th Place - Jenna Star Mercury - 25994 - Emik Enigma L4
- 6th Place - Warants Skalman Skalmansson - 24618 - CalyTrek CR Spirit Mk.I
- 7th Place - Joan Xperia Dárc - 23024 - Genesis ArcSpark
- 8th Place - Qing-jao Rei Fei-tzu - 22733- Adjusted Hedoc Mayhem
- 9th Place - Mrs Emma Peel - 21877 - Omegaton Igni L1000
- 10th Place - MH Grave Digger - 21557 - 10 x Calypso Land Deeds
- 11th Place - Vlad Dracula Tepes - 20728 - EWE LC-100 Frontier
- 12th Place - Girts Smilgs Niedra - 19266 - Isis Project Zero-Three
- 13th Place - Thor Thor Mighty - 17757 - Castorian Xeno-Dagger Scratcher
- 14th Place - John Killer Pureheart - 17658 - Kilic Rex
- 15th Place - Scott DoctorH Joel - 17527 - 5 x Calypso Land Deeds
- 25th Place - liddle red gunzy ridinghood - 16017 - 1 Calypso Land Deed
- 50th Place - Baron Baron Von Steuben - 11441 - 1 Calypso Land Deed
- 100th Place - Mista Jagwarr Flayer - 7901- 1 Calypso Land Deed
Final Standings
Place - Avatar Name - Points (Prize winners in bold)
- 1st Place - Aurora Linzey Zamperath - 27373
- 2nd Place - Michael geats Platzgummer - 27061
- 3rd Place - Stoikow Stoikow Mudorow - 26617
- 4th Place - James Jimmy Stryker - 26499
- 5th Place - Jenna Star Mercury - 25994
- 6th Place - Warants Skalman Skalmansson - 24618
- 7th Place - Joan Xperia Dárc - 23024
- 8th Place - Qing-jao Rei Fei-tzu - 22733
- 9th Place - Mrs Emma Peel - 21877
- 10th Place - MH Grave Digger - 21557
- 11th Place - Vlad Dracula Tepes - 20728
- 12th Place - Girts Smilgs Niedra - 19266
- 13th Place - Thor Thor Mighty - 17757
- 14th Place - John Killer Pureheart - 17658
- 15th Place - Scott DoctorH Joel - 17527
- 16th Place - Helene Helena Fra - 17277
- 17th Place - Laban Laban Mann - 17009
- 18th Place - Jabez JAG Groove - 16724
- 19th Place - Jorgen LightStar Eriksson - 16590
- 20th Place - Atami Tami Atemi - 16264
- 21th Place - Angel Shadow Heart - 16164
- 22th Place - Buck Buck Stone - 16120
- 23th Place - Richman1 Richman1 Killer - 16112
- 24th Place - TheRock Animalcommander RockY - 16040
- 25th Place - liddle red gunzy ridinghood - 16017
- 26th Place - one crappy player - 15636
- 27th Place - Syrinx Syri Pureheart - 15158
- 28th Place - Kirill laredo Dvinin - 14791
- 29th Place - Morgaine Morg Eveningstar - 14668
- 30th Place - dutch fluske mooren - 14258
- 31th Place - Kassandra Blackwidow Draconis - 14031
- 32th Place - Filip f3f18 Andersson - 13920
- 33th Place - Fatacuida Lorfat Lorfat - 13762
- 34th Place - JASON KID WRIGHT - 13500
- 35th Place - evileye gud666 evileye - 13324
- 36th Place - KOLESOKuH NOReX KOLESOKuH - 13158
- 37th Place - Kimmi Kimmi EFnet - 12939
- 38th Place - Jeanette Jeanni Lundquist - 12783
- 39th Place - Lady Nadie Hawke - 12672
- 40th Place - Elle eSoul Beast - 12473
- 41th Place - Henrik Bengha Bengtsson - 12417
- 42th Place - Leon Slippery Shockwave - 12403
- 43th Place - Leonarda Leona DaVinci - 12345
- 44th Place - zoran drhegi kenth - 12221
- 45th Place - Kamonpach BKK Empress - 12198
- 46th Place - joe jeff xXSqUaLLXx - 11894
- 47th Place - getget getget lebreton - 11858
- 48th Place - devastating Vodka lindsey - 11841
- 49th Place - Parker Parker Van Helsing - 11811
- 50th Place - Baron Baron Von Steuben - 11441
- 51th Place - Travis Travis Timberlake - 11346
- 52th Place - Tony TwoToes Taglia - 11149
- 53th Place - Ron Ronny Kovich - 11100
- 54th Place - Grimyth Salty qq - 11081
- 55th Place - Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey - 11059
- 56th Place - Jack Combo Nikis - 10909
- 57th Place - Kestutis Kestukas HOF - 10847
- 58th Place - Agent a00nx 00Nix - 10801
- 59th Place - Aadu dRifteR Asi - 10617
- 60th Place - Andreso Black Highland - 10585
- 61th Place - Ceral Avarice Altruaer - 10456
- 62th Place - Nils Zackenbarsch Mock - 10225
- 63th Place - Dini mArdOff Mini - 10129
- 64th Place - Henke Floppy Deluxe - 10088
- 65th Place - Fredrik Proppen Deluxe - 10065
- 66th Place - Florian Vlooe Fischer - 9940
- 67th Place - Cedric Dreicc Hafgolf - 9901
- 68th Place - Daggsy Daggs Drostillion - 9835
- 69th Place - Smartiez Smartiez mms - 9767
- 70th Place - Kintradim KC Crux - 9665
- 71th Place - Fredrik Jedi Deluxe - 9619
- 72th Place - Sirre Sirre Green - 9601
- 73th Place - cobran cobran ss - 9598
- 74th Place - H4mmer 4nd S1ckle - 9588
- 75th Place - ENTROPIAS MOST WANTED - 9580
- 76th Place - Mighty T 2mas Kottonmouth - 9500
- 77th Place - Fort Fort Tress - 9407
- 78th Place - Fett Fett-Finnen Finnen - 9384
- 79th Place - Johan zeta Deluxe - 9373
- 80th Place - Lady Nova Blue - 9232
- 81th Place - Tomas Vulture BAT - 9185
- 82th Place - Rattler Llama Simpsons - 9185
- 83th Place - Ferox Flavius Titan - 9129
- 84th Place - Jamie Jagger Evans - 9035
- 85th Place - ZBANGHIU maRIUS GIGEL - 8541
- 86th Place - Falagor Falagor Frostmaster - 8536
- 87th Place - Lenny LL Lenoard - 8342
- 88th Place - Romi impi Tinkels - 8308
- 89th Place - Forgorth Forgo Lundain - 8284
- 90th Place - Aphex Unexplained Dartellaar - 8281
- 91th Place - Pantoffel Rock Tierchen - 8280
- 92th Place - celia penats krok - 8262
- 93th Place - Fitzchivalry Verity Farseer - 8221
- 94th Place - Leo BlueMan Morosanu' - 8199
- 95th Place - Narfi Hungry Willem - 8172
- 96th Place - Major Gravity Force - 8124
- 97th Place - Spirou Spirou Longmorn - 8089
- 98th Place - Gatzo Dr Biizle Biizle - 8019
- 99th Place - Mattias Head Hunter Hedman - 7913
- 100th Place - Mista Jagwarr Flayer - 7901
Event Statistics
Creatures Killed - 2,314,881
- Zombie Mutant Outcast - 199,876
- Zombie Mutant Bandit - 234,554
- Zombie Mutant Guard - 96,858
- Zombie Mutant Raider - 265,057
- Zombie Mutant Warrior - 181,147
- Zombie Mutant Berserker - 407,412
- Zombie Mutant Hunter - 77,648
- Zombie Mutant Warlord - 153,239
- Zombie Mutant Champion - 27,461
- Zombie Mutant Clan Warlord - 44,955
- Zombie Dog Young - 91,339
- Zombie Dog Mature - 105,144
- Zombie Dog Old - 26,573
- Zombie Dog Provider - 66,225
- Zombie Dog Guardian - 30,623
- Zombie Dog Dominant - 87,932
- Zombie Dog Alpha - 22,662
- Zombie Dog Old Alpha - 51,369
- Zombie Dog Prowler - 16,692
- Zombie Dog Stalker - 74,343
- The Big Pumpkin 1 - 17,949
- The Big Pumpkin 2 - 8,515
- The Big Pumpkin 3 - 12,932
- The Big Pumpkin 4 - 5,488
- The Big Pumpkin 5 - 3,108
- Count Vamp of Boorum 1 - 368
- Count Vamp of Boorum 2 - 745
- Count Vamp of Boorum 3 - 1,529
- Count Vamp of Boorum 4 - 1,749
- Count Vamp of Boorum 5 - 1,389
Items Looted
- Rotten Halloween Pumpkin - 455,005
- Sickly Halloween Pumpkin - 98,044
- Damaged Halloween Pumpkin - 45,691
- Healthy Halloween Pumpkin - 22,324
- Mature Halloween Pumpkin - 8,966
- Fully Developed Halloween Pumpkin - 4,438
- Twin Halloween Pumpkin - 8,92
- Mutated Halloween Pumpkin - 4,86
- Halloween Candy Box - 9,447
- Essence of Evil - 6,237
- Vampiric Cloak (M) - 4
- Vampiric Cloak (F) - 2