Latest Planet Calypso News

18 June 2024
Planet Calypso Content Release 2024.0.3.1



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12 June 2024
Eomon Pheromones Rising

The RDI has issued an alert to Calypso colonists regarding a steady increase in atmospheric Eomon pheromone levels. If this trend continues, RDI Xenobiologists predict that the Eomon Migration will commence on June 19.

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11 June 2024
Planet Calypso Content Release 2024.0.3.0


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07 June 2024
Mulmun Fury

There has been a notable shift in the behavior of the Mulmuns, according to data from the Calypso Defense Force (CDF). This change is likely due to the upcoming annual Eomon Migration season and the presence of Eomon pheromones in the atmosphere, which are triggering the mutants to begin their rituals, as well as increasing their aggressiveness.

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14 May 2024
Planet Calypso Content Release 2024.0.2.1


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08 May 2024
CDF Resource Mayhem

As the ongoing robot incursions have caused significant damage to colonial settlements across Calypso, the Calypso Colonial Administration has tasked the Calypso Defense Force with spearheading reconstruction and fortification efforts. However, with the increase in enemy activity and robot harvesters encroaching on our territory, CDF suppliers are unable to provide significant enough quantities of specific resources.

In an effort to lessen the impact of these shortages and invigorate the local economy by including individuals in the supply chains, the Calypso Defense Force is setting up a drive that will allow participating colonists to deliver select materials to unlock reward tiers.

Colonists wishing to participate are asked to contact the CDF representatives in Fort Ithaca and Nymphtown for further instructions and information. Said representatives will also offer a series of bonus missions that will help unlock the rewards offered more quickly if finished.

You can earn Universal Ammo, Mayhem Tokens, Mayhem Cosmetic Tokens, and Legacy Strongboxes as rewards, as well as one Rare Mayhem Token for those who finish all stages and all bonus missions. 

This resource drive will last between May 8, 13:00 UTC, and June 25, 08:00 UTC, 2024. However, such drives will also occur in the future whenever resources are required for major Defense Force projects and to ensure the safety of the Calypso settlements.

The CCA and CDF extend their gratitude to those who choose to participate in collecting materials and ensuring the resilience of our colonies. Reach out, contribute, and make a difference for the future of Calypso!

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07 May 2024
Planet Calypso Content Release 2024.0.2.0


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03 May 2024

As the conflict with the robotic forces reaches a boiling point, the Calypso Defense Force is sounding the alarm for the peak of the robot invasion. The most aggressive and high-threat robots are now present in Ashi, Fort Pandora, and Hadesheim.

With these latest developments, the next few days are critical for the security of the Calypso settlements. As increasing numbers of advanced machines press further into our settlements, the outcome of this operation may determine the future balance between humans and robots on Calypso.

To further incentivize colonist participation in the defense against this onslaught, CDF Intelligence has released reports showing that certain items now appear to be more common among the robots, which could make them easier to recover for those who help destroy these machine invaders.

Major Ushakov, who recently returned from a posting off-planet, issued a short rallying cry:

"Let's stand together, to defend our homes and ensure a future where humans prevail over machines!"

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19 April 2024
EBN: Advancing Robot Peril

Recent updates from the Calypso Defence Force indicate an escalating threat from robotic forces on Calypso, marking a significant increase in tensions. 

Detailed analyses of combat encounters reveal that the recent robotic maneuvers, particularly deploying units targeting RDI Data Interceptors for destruction, have been intended to distract and divert the planet's colonists. This tactical diversion effectively lessened the defensive pressure exerted by the colonists, allowing robotic forces to solidify their control over various territories.

In this concerning development, Harvester robots have reappeared in some of the areas they dominated a year prior. These robots are at the forefront of a larger scheme to exploit Calypso's resources, marking an unprecedented level of intrusion on the planet. 

The Harvesters have significantly impacted various areas differently, and we urge the public to exercise caution in the following zones:

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12 April 2024
EBN: Robot Invasion Weekend Update

As the Calypso Defense Force and the colonists assisting them have been fighting off the robots across Calypso, one conclusion has become increasingly clear; the robots do not seem to be letting up. In addition, our anonymous sources within the colonial administration claim there may be reason to expect an escalation in the near future. 

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