Merry Mayhem Update

An upcoming patch will address a rounding issue affecting weapon DPS restrictions in Merry Mayhem Solo instances, as well as terrain issues.

We’d also like to address several frequently asked questions about Merry Mayhem 2017.

Q. Are there any indicators when the Merry Hogglo Shield Penetration buff expires?
A. The Shield Penetration buff is removed every time the boss reaches a 20% milestone of its maximum health (80%, 60% etc). When the buff is removed in this manner there is a screen effect, sound effect and a chat system message.

Q. Will items in the Mayhem Token Trader be restocked?
A. The Mayhem Token Trader will be accessible year-round. All of the consumable and (L) items will be restocked at regular intervals. All non-(L) items currently available in the Mayhem Token Trader will remain available until purchased. Additional non-(L) items will be added to the Mayhem Token Trader in future Mayhem events, and some current items may also be restocked.

Q. How does the Modified Mayhem Token work?
A. This special token provides a 25% bonus to the total number of Mayhem Tokens looted during the event. The bonus Mayhem Tokens will be awarded after the event is completed. You may still purchase items from the Mayhem Token Trader during the event, doing so will not affect the bonus amount. This item is non-tradable and will be removed from inventory once the bonus Mayhem Tokens are awarded.