Jermain Johansson: “You’re watching Entropia Breaking News. I’m your host, Jermaine Johansson.

Today’s top story:

RX units have once again been sighted by CDF scouts; this time, in Eudoria’s contaminated zone.

CDF Ground Forces Commander Brigadier General Yevgeny de Souza released the following statement:”

Voice of Brigadier General Yevgeny de Souza: “Over the last few days, CDF Scouts have reported regular sightings of RX units mining Pyrite rich areas of the contaminated zone in Eudoria.

The Governor has issued another warrant. Any colonist who lands the killing strike or shot on an RX unit will be rewarded by the CDF. The following rewards will be handed out, depending on the type of RX unit destroyed:

RX Unit Bounty Rewards

RX Unit Alpha - Armor Plating Mark.10C TEN Edition + CalyTrek CR Spirit MK.III RX Edition (L) + Isis LC-35 RX Edition (L)

RX Unit Beta 242 Armor Plating Mark.10C TEN Edition (L) + CalyTrek CR Spirit MK.III RX Edition (L) + Isis LC-35 RX Edition (L)

RX Unit Beta - CalyTrek CR Spirit MK.III RX Edition (L) + Isis LC-35 RX Edition (L)

Any resources that the RX carry on them may be looted, but be warned - the CDF will not venture into the contaminated zone. The contaminated zone is lawless, in practice. We will not be there to protect you.

End transmission.”

Jermaine Johansson: “EBN has received an anonymous tip that there is a newly built fort in the contaminated zone near Camp Echidna. The RX have been seen dropping off and picking up supplies there, and the pattern of their activity suggests they will be there again tomorrow around 18:00 UTC Wednesday.

All brave bounty hunters are advised to be sure to stash their goods before entering this zone as it is inhabited by treacherous bandits.

Stay tuned for more details.