The Planet Calypso development team would like to apologize for the recent issues related to the Hussk quest. Our team is making a detailed review of the related game systems to determine the cause of the creature not providing loot in order to prevent such occurrences in the future.

Our initial investigation shows that the new Hussk creature was incorrectly designated to use the highest damage loot rights mechanic, rather than the shared loot mechanic intended for creatures with very high health. Unfortunately, the result of this was a failure of the creature to spawn any loot.

We are in the process of reviewing our log files to compile a list of affected participants. Compensation will be provided to the avatars affected by this issue, who will receive an amount of PED based on damage inflicted on the Hussk creature. In addition, the avatar who completed the quest to cause the Hussk creature to spawn will be reimbursed for all of the quest items required.

To prevent any further frustration, the Hussk quest has been disabled until we have completed our assessment and have conducted testing to ensure that the quest and shared loot systems operate as intended.

Once again we apologize for any frustration or inconvenience for those affected by this issue, and we appreciate your understanding and patience while we work to correct things.

Planet Calypso Development Team