VU10.0 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When will the FAQ be released?
A: If you can read this, it is released.

Patching and system question

Q: How long will it take until VU10.0 is up and running and we can login again?
A: Cannot say yet. The VU10 is a major undertaking.

Q: What are the system requirements?
A: See the following link:

Q: Will the new version run on Windows 7?
A: It should run on Windows 7, but there is no official support for it.

Q: Will it be possible to use the same patch for different accounts?
A: The install file can be used on more than one computer once downloaded. The install file will un-install VU9.4, install 10.0 and then start Planet Calypso.

Q: Can I use the install file on a computer that has never had Planet Calypso installed?
A: Yes.

Q: I get an error when I try to run VU10.
A: Check Support News and FAQs for the latest on technical problems.


Q: Will there be more places like Oil Rig in the old versions?
A: There will be a new Calypso to explore.

Q: Will there be travel to and back from CND?
A: Yes. Details are in the content list.


Q: Will there be any new creatures introduced in VU10.0?
A: No.

Q: Will the mobs still be at the same places, or have they moved around?
A: The places have been moved around, so you have to find those first before you see where the mobs went.


Q: Will teleportation be available to use?
A: In 10.0, you will be able to teleport using a teleporter. You will not be able to teleport using MindForce.

Q: Will there be MindForce teleportation in 10.0?
A: No.

Q: What is a televator?
A: A televator is a teleport that only teleports from floor to floor in a building. Think elevator that works by teleportation.

Q: Will we have to find all the teleporters again, or will they still be on the map (even if the teleporters themselves can’t be used)?
A: You will not need to re-discover teleporters in 10.0. In future releases, we may re-add removed teleporters. Possibly, these will need to be rediscovered.

Q: If the teleports have been moved around, does that mean we’ll have to go tp-running again?
A: No, see above.

Avatar recreation

Q: When we recreate our avatars, will we start with our migrated look that we can re-adjust?
A: Yes.

Q: How long does the avatar recreating process last?
A: You can use the opportunity to recreate the avatar the first time you log in. When you click Accept, you have used your opportunity to recreate the avatar, even if you didn’t change anything.

Q: Can I enter Planet Calypso without choosing to recreate the avatar?
A: No. The first thing you will see is the avatar recreation interface. You can either accept your migrated look by clicking Accept, or you can recreate the avatar and then click Accept.

Q: I’m not happy with the recreation result, can I cancel re-creation and return to the previous original pre-VU10 avatar?
A: Yes, you can click Exit and then restart.

Q: Can I change from male to female, or vice versa?
A: No.

Q: When recreating the avatar, will we be able to do all modifications available in the game?
A: Every and all options.

Q: Is the avatar creation system changed?
A: Face textures control is slightly modified. This will also cause “random” wrinkles on existing avatars. A full overhaul of the avatar system is expected later, but not until 2010 at the earliest.

Q: What will happen with makeup and masks? Will their appearance get affected in any way?
A: Makeup masks will look like a chess board until the makeup system is restored in a future VU.

Second Golden Age

Q: Does the Second Golden Age (SGA) begin as soon as VU10.0 comes online?
A: No. It will be announced when it starts.

Q: How long will the Second Golden Age last?
A: At least one month.

Q: What do you mean by “a range of unique never-to-be-dropped-again items”? Will there be just one of each item, or do you mean that they are limited to SGA?
A: The items are exclusive and will only drop in SGA.

Q: Will the SGA special items be Limited or Unlimited?
A: Mainly unlimited.

Q: What amount of exclusive items will be dropped?
A: There will be more than a thousand SGA-exclusive items to be found. There will even be a few Modified FAP's SGA edition in the midst.

Q: Is there a stats difference of a Modified FAP’s SGA Edition compared to a “normal” Modified FAP?
A: Yes, there will be some difference.

Q: Will there be nice items dropping at the nooby end of the spectrum?
A: Everyone, from hardcore vets to casual players, will have a shot.

Q: Will miners and crafters also be able to loot SGA items?
A: Yes.

Auctions and transactions

Q: Will the auctions be suspended during the downtime?
A: Yes.

Q: What will happen to bank loans?
A: Bank loans will get extended time in order to not create any transitional problems.

Other systems

Q: Will there be teaming in 10.0?
A: No. It will be reintroduced in VU 10.2.

Q: Will we be able to collect Fruit, Dung and Stones?
A: Not in 10.0, no. It will be reintroduced in VU10.1.

Q: Why is there a separate VU for so little things like fruit?
A: There is no release with only fruit. 10.1 will also contain Land Area Management, MindForce Teleportation, Apartments, Televators and Dung & Stones.

Q: When will the Taming/Sweating system be reintroduced?
A: There’s no ETA on the Taming system at the moment, or any other system that is not mentioned in the content list. They are not forgotten, but we haven’t yet decided on which VU it will be reintroduced.

Q: I have a lot of sweat in my inventory. Will I still be able to use it?
A: Yes.

Q: Will Stamina get a bump?
A: No.

Q: Towers normally don’t expire, but what will happen to them in VU10?
A: Towers and mining claims will be halted during downtime and started again when VU10 goes live. For obvious reasons the location will be a “new” one though.

Q: Will the gold cards retain the same functionality?
A: Yes

Q: When PE last went from COT to Gold, a lot of items had their stats changed (slower and shorter range). Can we expect something similar when Planet Calypso goes Gold?
A: No. All stats are the same.


Q: Will third person view be available in 10.0?
A: Third person view will be mostly available. However, you can’t left-click to navigate or right-click-hold to change direction. Also, you can’t shoot them with Use Tool – the weapon will fire in whatever direction you happen to be looking, rather than at the selected target.

Q: Auto-aim?
A: No.

Q: So there will be no more possibility to play in third person view and shoot by tapping quick action button or by clicking on the mob’s health bar?
A: No.

Q: Will we be able to hunt only in first person view? If not, how do we target a mob if we have to face it like you said?
A: It’s possible, but not easy.

Q: Will we still have avatar movement, interaction etc?
A: Yes.

Q: Will navigation controls drastically change compared to old version?
A: Except for the issues above, no.

Q: Swimming is not mentioned. Will we be able to walk on water?
A: No, you can’t walk on water. But you can swim.

Q: Will I remain at the same location where I logged out?
A: Probably no. Players will begin in Port Atlantis until that area has hit its population limit. After that you will be located elsewhere.

User interface

Q: Will we have a more detailed map in VU 10?
A: Yes.

Q: Will keymaps and personal settings remain, or will we have to redo them?
A: They will be reset, so you will have to redo them.

Q: Will there still be an option to play in window mode or in full screen mode?
A: Yes.

Estates, apartments and storage

Q: What happens to items in apartments until they are reintroduced in VU10.1?
A: They will be placed in a Resettlement Container that will be stored in storage. You will get one container per apartment. The contents of the storage will be accessible in VU10.0.

Q: What will happens if storage limit is exceeded?
A: The items will still be there, but excess items will not be visible unless you remove something else. Also, you cannot put anything into storage if the limit is exceeded.

Q: Will the items being placed in storage from apartments replace those that are currently viewable and selectable?
A: No, it’s the new items that will not be visible.

Q: If my storage is full, will I still get mining finds and loot?
A: Yes. Mining finds and loot are placed in your inventory, not in storage. Storage is accessed through a storage terminal.

Q: Shops are in VU10.0, but apartments are in VU 10.1. What will happen if I have a shop keeper inside an apartment?
A: The shop keeper will be moved to storage and will be accessible in VU10.0. You can place it back into your apartment in VU10.1, or place it on another estate until then.

Q: Will the stuff from my apartment clutter up the storage?
A: The items will be placed in a Resettlement Container, so you will quickly find it.

Q: Will apartment items in storage go back to the apartment when VU10.1 come back online?
A: No. You will have to put it back yourself.

Q: Will we be able to access our normal storage in 10.0
A: Yes. It just has a lot of apartment stuff in it as well.

Q: If the deed is traded but the apartment has not been claimed yet, who gets the stuff?
A: The items in the apartment will be placed in the previous owner’s storage, not the deed holder’s.

Q: Can we keep the boxes?
A: Yes.

Q: I have my stuff arranged in a special way because of a bug that I exploited long ago. Will I be able to re-hang them?
A: Most likely not.

Q: What will happen to miners at CND using apartments as storage?
A: There will be local storage terminals added to CND, so they will get access to their stuff there.

Future VUs and other planets

Q: When will 10.1 be released?
A: The release of VU10.1 will be announced at a later date.

Q: Will the new planets be available with VU10, or at a later date?
A: The release of new planets will be announced at a later date.

Q: Can we get a clarification of Land Area management? What will happen to access to the land area itself, mobs, fertilizer (improvement points), taxes, welcome message?
A: The land area will be accessible. There will be mob spawns. You will not be able to change mob settings. Fertilizer will be frozen. You may still set tax level and welcome message.

Future systems and suggestions

Q: Will there be a new/improved system for X?
A: If it is not mentioned in the content list, FAQ or release announcement, it will not be released in VU10.0.

Q: My favorite system that was in 9.4 is not in the FAQ, content list or release announcement, will it be gone forever?
A: See above. We can’t say anything more than that at the moment.

Q: When the full overhaul of the avatar system is introduced, will we get to recreate the avatar at that time?
A: We can’t say at the moment.

Other stuff

Q: Is there any news on the Create-a-mob competition?
A: The Create-a-mob competition will be addressed at a later date.